Approximately 87 percent of seniors over the age of 65 use prescription medications. This is not surprising given that many of the most common chronic conditions, such as heart disease, arthritis, and hypertension, disproportionately affect the elderly. What are medication management services for seniors to consider?

Sometimes, choosing the right medication can mean life and death. For others, the right medication is used as a preventative measure or to alleviate the symptoms of various medical conditions, such as arthritis pain.
Furthermore, some seniors use over-the-counter medications, which can be extremely dangerous if used without the supervision of a doctor. For these reasons, medication management is critical for seniors.
Why Is Medication Management So Critical for Seniors
While medication management is important for people of all ages, the elderly face several challenges that may prevent them from properly taking their medication. To begin, 40% of seniors over 65 suffer from memory loss. This condition can make it difficult for seniors to remember to take their medications on time or to forget that they’ve already taken them and take them again. Both double dosing and missed doses can be fatal or reduce the medication’s effectiveness.
Second, poor eyesight may prevent seniors from accurately reading prescription instructions, leading to over or under-dosing. Even if the seniors can read the instructions, they may find them difficult to follow. This is especially true when introducing new medications or altering the current dosage.
What Are Senior Medication Management Solutions
Medication management services are provided by some caregivers and home health care agencies. Health care professionals visit the senior’s home to provide a medication reminder or distribute the necessary medication personally. While these services are beneficial, they can be prohibitively expensive, especially for seniors who do not receive other types of home care.
Medication management systems are an alternative solution. These dispensing machines are placed in the senior’s homes to help with medication management. They are also very effective and provide a more cost-effective solution.
How Do Medication Administration Systems Work
Medication management systems help seniors by reminding them to take their medications. When an alarm or phone call sounds, the senior can simply press a button on the machine, and the appropriate amount of medication is disbursed. The system also gives seniors instructions, such as taking medication with food and water.
These machines can store a 30-day supply of medication and track up to ten different prescriptions or over-the-counter medications. A family member or other designated caregiver fills them once a month. Most machines also have a battery backup to continue functioning even if the power goes out.
If the senior does not take their medication on time, an immediate alert is sent to all designated parties, including caregivers and family members. To prevent double dosing, some machines also lock any missed doses away.
The Advantages of Medication Management Systems
The most important advantage of medication management systems is peace of mind. Family members can rest assured that their loved one is taking the proper medication at the appropriate time. They also understand that they will be notified immediately if their loved one fails to take their medication.
Furthermore, the assistance of a medication management system can allow seniors to live independently in their homes for longer. Finally, most medication management systems provide real-time status reports, providing doctors with invaluable information about seniors’ health.
What Are the Prices of Medication Management Systems
There are three pricing models for medication management systems. Some services simply rent out the medication dispensing machine for a monthly fee. These monthly fees can range between $50 and $100.
Other services require you to pay an upfront fee of $300 to $500 for the machine, followed by a monthly service fee of $15 to $25 per month. Seniors can also purchase a dispersing machine that does not require a monthly service fee. These more expensive machines usually cost between $500 and $1,000.
Family members must compare their options to determine which pricing model best fits their needs and budget. You can also get medication at home or contact Essential Home Health for more details.
Medication Management Strategies For Older Adults
Our bodies change as we age. We can see and feel some changes. This includes lingering aches and pains and simple movements like walking or getting out of a chair that may be slower or more painful than before. Some things we can’t feel. For example, how our bodies respond to and absorb medications may change. Indeed, changes in the digestive system can affect how quickly medicines enter the bloodstream, according to the FDA’s medication guide for seniors.
The amount of medicine you need to take can change depending on your weight. It can also impact how long it stays in your body. The circulation system may slow down, affecting how quickly drugs reach the liver and kidneys. The liver and kidneys may also function more slowly. This could affect how a drug degrades and is eliminated from the body. As a result, medications will remain in the body for longer. This may result in more severe side effects. Doses must be adjusted and monitored properly. Because of these changes in our bodies as we age, older adults are at a higher risk of drug interactions.
Medication Management in Older Adults: 10 Key Facts
- Seniors use more medicines than any other age group in the United States, including prescription, over-the-counter, and dietary supplements.
- Elderly people frequently take multiple medications, which increases the risk of drug interactions and the possibility of side effects.
- Your liver and kidneys may not function as well as they once did. The reduced function can impact how medicine works; it is absorbed, broken down, and eliminated from the body.
- If doses are not properly adjusted, medications may stay in the body longer and cause side effects.
- Weight loss decreased body fluid, and increased fatty tissue can all affect how drugs are distributed and concentrated in the body.
- Increased sensitivity to medications is more common in the elderly.
- Impaired memory, hearing, and vision make understanding and remembering instructions difficult, especially for those on complicated regimens. Many older Americans also experience declining grip strength, mobility, and memory lapses, impairing their ability to take medication as directed.
- Because older adults frequently receive prescriptions from multiple healthcare professionals, it can be difficult to keep track of medications and identify drug interactions, harmful doses, and ineffective medications.
- Diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis are more common in older adults and frequently necessitate a complex medication regimen.
- Because of forgetfulness, side effects, a belief that the medicine isn’t working, or cost, older adults may fail to follow medication plans. Non-adherence refers to failing to follow medication instructions.
Essential Home Health provides its services for medication management. Many people want to know the importance of medication management in aged care so read about it our another post. For more information, call them at 847-813-6301.